Hanging Gardens Tokyo



1200 Sq Ft.

Architecture description is a conceptualization of the architecture. Its usefulness is in conceiving and expressing the functional and nonfunctional quality characteristics along with the proposed form/structure of the software system. This artifact is still an idea that needs to be realized through construction with available technologies so that value can be delivered to various stakeholders. Since the specification is predominantly in terms of building qualities into the software system, one approach for realization would be to create appropriate production processes that identify the outcomes, activities, tasks, and deliverables necessary for delivering the quality goals expressed in the architecture description. The specific processes to achieve qualities come from different knowledge domains that provide knowledge bases on how to achieve performance, security, data integrity, and the like. They also provide process steps for achieving the qualities that can be fitted into the framework. The architect’s responsibility in this case is more that of an observer in order to gain knowledge about the pitfalls the developers face with regard to realization of the architecture specification.

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